Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Thoughts of a man torn apart,
Between what’s right and his desires heart,
Determined to lean towards the former,
Wishing this passion could grow stronger,
Before evil desires of mine heart overshadows,
What’s right become chasing mere shadows,
The flesh is weak though spirit eager,
Certainly strength to fight is meager,

Thoughts of a man torn apart,
To indulge in pleasure or to remain alert,
To search for darkness or keep following the light,
To stay on course or loose sight,
To stay on the narrow path to life,
To pursue the broad road and end this strife,
Torn between the two,
Tell me what is a man to do,

Thoughts of a man torn apart,
Disturbed like a toothless flesh eating cat,
Everyday is a battle a struggle of which,
Is persistent unbearable like a rushing itch,
When will I these wounds of mine stitch,
Before they drive me towards fever pitch,
In this state of tepid liquid,
Am afraid I’ll do something stupid,

Thursday, August 4, 2011


My Angelica,
Most sweet smelling flower garden,
With all world’s beauty laden,
Warmth as an ostrich egg just hatched,
Your benevolence unmatched,
Your magnificence unsearched,

My Angelica,
Standing out in all earth’s field,
To you sunshine bows and yield,
For you great men swords wield,
Your eyes alone shine twice as bright,
Even the moon shies away at night,

My Angelica,
Raw and natural as if silica,
Surely glamour can only be your replica,
Your intoxication better than liquor,
Blossoming as roses only quicker,
What a wonderful kicker,